
Showing posts from May, 2022

Game Scene Final Project Post:

 Week 3 Slideset available here . Here I realized I would have to reconstruct my house if I wanted to actually complete this project, which would be a time-suck. I tried to follow along with my original house as best as I could, but the entire reason why I had to do that was because my original house wasn't aligned with my UVs and had some custom pieces I wasn't able to pull out in time. It was ultimately easier to remake the house with the UVed pieces I already had. During this time, I realized I also needed to make a whole other house, but thanks to WoW's design allowing for palette swapping, I realized I had most of the pieces I needed. With some scaling of premade pieces, I was able to create a different house that would look coherent with the game world while also being not too difficult to make.   Here's the UV map for the farm; you can tell what parts of it were obtained from the House. My props were last minute; the only ones I could really feel proud of were th

170 - Postmortem - Group 7

Group 7 - Voyager Voyager was supposed to be a game inspired by some single-player roleplaying games, where the focus is on journaling and writing out a story using dice and cards as an Oracle, to direct where the writing should go and provide a randomized, loose understanding of what the plot should be like. However, this changed during the process of development. Rayen wanted to include a math-like puzzle game, where players had to figure out how to navigate a grid of numbered cells within an exact amount of moves. I thought this would work perfectly, not realizing that it'd be extremely limiting when applied in that context. I wanted to avoid linearity and create necessary detours, twits, and turns. All with clever writing and a sense of ridiculousness informed by weird sci-fi analogies turned literal, similar to The Hitch-Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy, and old satirical point and click games like Space Quest. Some entries would be informed by sci-fi novels and other media. A