230 Eportfolio
For my Firehouse, I ended up with this; my file got corrupted and I was left with a very small amount of pieces that had their material removed from them. Trying to import it into substance painter ended up breaking the model.
Here's the end result of working on the Firehouse building. I successfully worked out the mesh and solved problems concerning non-manifold geometry on my own. I set up a second mesh with ID materials so I could try and address my problems with texturing; preparing myself ahead of time so I could texture properly, only for Maya to crash on the 11th hour when I tried to fix the FBX files importing half-invisible on substance painter.
This was my first modeling project. I followed the instructions closely and ended up with a UV-ed and intelligently made trashcan. As I kept forgetting to keep track of my Trashcan, I would end up remaking it over and over again so I could keep up with the lectures; I think I made three trashcans total before settling on this one.
This is what I managed to get done in my midterm. I couldn't get to every asset I wanted to on time, so I had to leave a vast majority untextured. At this point, I believe that I was too scared of working in Painter, and that caused my problems. I deleted some assets from the scene to save on the polycount. My UVs were not arranged properly, and with the addition of non-manifold geometry I was unable to resolve, I ended up with completely ruined and un-IDed models that couldn't be effectively masked, so I turned this project in half complete. After this, I realized I needed to take way more time to actually UV things, and check on my geometry throughout the development of a project.
This is my props assignment; I was unable to figure out how to render glass, or work with the models on substance painter. I did manage to texture some models that were easily UV-ed; it didn't take much for me to just set up some quick masks and apply textures until I got something that looked like the end result. This was a cheap way of getting around my limitations, which bit me when I started to texture more complicated projects.
I would like to, for at least my final project, actually bring something through the entire pipeline and have something I could be proud of. Even if it's just a single asset that I bring all the way through the pipeline in a way that works and looks good. I want to be better with UVing and texturing, since I know that'll probably be the entry level part of my career; I'm just frustrated that it hasn't clicked yet.
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